Central Christian Church Global Outreach Global News of the Week
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Aid Group Says Abuse Of Child 'Witches' On Rise- (CNN) Superstition and suspicion have led to increasing abuse among Nigeria's children. Children who are unruly, stubborn or have learning disabilities
and physical ailments are most likely to be singled out. "Children accused of witchcraft are often incarcerated in churches for weeks on end and beaten, starved and tortured in order to extract a confession," said Gary Foxcroft, program director of Stepping Stones Nigeria, a nonprofit that helps alleged witch children in the region. About 15,000 children in the Akwa Ibon and Cross River states have been branded as witches, he said, and most of them are forced out on the street and abused. Sometimes even Nigeria's pastors are responsible for the abuse, identifying children who they say are possessed. The problem is growing worldwide, even in places like Nepal.
To read the whole story, click here.
To see more Global News, visit the CCCEV Global Outreach page.
To receive the weekly Global Outreach Newsletter featuring current news, speakers, events, and opportunities, e-mail Neil H. at neilh@cccev.com.
Aid Group Says Abuse Of Child 'Witches' On Rise- (CNN) Superstition and suspicion have led to increasing abuse among Nigeria's children. Children who are unruly, stubborn or have learning disabilities
To read the whole story, click here.
To see more Global News, visit the CCCEV Global Outreach page.